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Schedule Of Classes

Each class will be split into the following age divisions:


4 - 7 years          8 - 11 years         12 - 16 years


Photography      (any camera or phone camera, any subject, must be printed out)


Needlecraft        (may include knitting, sewing, crochet or other)


Embroidery        show off your best stitches


Any Picture        (sketch, drawing, painting but not photo, done by hand, not on                                         computer)


Digital Art           (any still frame picture - but not photo - produced on a computer                                   but printed out for judging)


Collage                using any materials (including natural)

/Mixed Media     


Any Model          split into    a) Clay / Plasticine or similar

                                                b) Junk Model or similar  

        Please note, no models made from kits or construction sets will be accepted         


Painted Pebble  (may have been done at home or at school)


Decorated           3 on a plate, only the decoration to be judged 

Cupcakes            (cakes may be home-made or shop bought)


Other Craft         (may include decoupage, Origami, Hama beads, loom bands, other)

How Do I Enter?

Visit the How To Enter page to find your print-at-home entry cards, which should be filled in before arrival.

Do I Have to Pay?

No! There is no entry fee, it is completely free of charge and you can enter as many different items as you like.

Are There Prizes?

Yes there are! Each entry which is placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in its class by the Judges will receive an arty crafty prize. First place winners also get a rosette and there are even some trophies to be won by truly outstanding entries.

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