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Thanks to our Recent Supporters


The Creation Station South West Bucks and Maidenhead

Bourne End Horticultural Society                                  Waitrose Beaconsfield

Space –Pod                                                                      The Works, Bourne End

Pilot Pen Company                                                          Hobbycraft, High Wycombe

Simon Elvin Limited                                                        Cards and Gifts, Bourne End

Green Board Games                                                        Tesco Loudwater

The Little Peoples Book Club (Amy Townsend - Usborne Books)

To our Judges


David Cox (Photographer) of Nexus Pictures         Penny Hampson

Emma Pelling (Illustrator / Designer) of                Karen Savage                                            Lande Brown

Nick Cooke (Nickartstherapy artist)                        Sharon Jones

Rachel Gerrish of Rachel's Creative Cooking         Magda Browning    

Charlotte Eames of Creation Station

Helen Gerrish of hiya Bucks



To hiya bucks magazine for all their help



To Mike Croall for technical support

To Izzy Alexander for practical help




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